Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Truth Does Indeed Transform

With honor to the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, I borrow from the title of his radio broadcasts, “Truths that Transform.” I simply cannot think of a more apt way to describe the ministry of God’s Word in the life of any believer who would make himself subject to Scripture. Our first full week in Experiencing God reminds me that Truth does indeed transform.

One of the features I find most helpful in the Experiencing God study is the daily review. At the end of each daily lesson, we review what we have learned in three parts:

1. What was the most meaningful statement or Scripture you read today?

2. Rewrite the statement or Scripture into a prayer response to God.

3. What does God want you to do in response to today’s study?

Here are four profound statements that brought renewed focus to my life this week:

1. “Anyone who takes time to enter an intimate relationship with God can see Him do extraordinary things through his or her life” (p 27).

I reworded this statement in the form of a prayer.

Dear God, help me invest anew in an intimate walk with You. The most extraordinary thing You would ever do through me would necessarily begin with this intimacy. And this intimacy is extraordinary enough.

2. “When you believe nothing significant can happen through you, you have said more about your belief in God than you have declared about yourself” (p 27).

I would reword this statement in a prayer perhaps very familiar to many of you by now:

Father, I believe You are Who You say You are. I believe You can do what You say You can do. And I believe I am who You say that I am. Lord, like the desperate father of the demon-possessed boy I plead, “I believe; help Thou my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

3. “The people we generally see in the Scriptures were ordinary. Their relationships with God and the activity of God made them extraordinary.”

My prayer:

Almighty God, I would be so bold and outrageous as to expect You, the extraordinary Redeemer King, to make much of Yourself, to bring renown to Your name, even through someone as ordinary as me. Be glorified!

4. I found the words of our Savior to be the most meaningful to me this week. Jesus says: “I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me” (John 15:5).

What a tremendous and marvelous testament to God’s grace this reality is! I do not deserve the privilege that is mine to be your pastor. No man is worthy of such an honor. Indeed, I am not redeemed by any merit of my own. I am not His son or His servant because of any good in me. I know painfully well that I can do nothing of kingdom value apart from Christ.

As a branch, I owe all my sustenance to the gracious provision of the Vine. Based entirely on His good pleasure and grace, the Vine supplies us with all we need to grow and be fruitful. Furthermore, the Vine supports the branches for His own purposes. Branches have no purpose of their own except that given them by the Vine, chiefly, to produce much fruit.

Grace, grace – God’s grace – grace that will pardon and cleanse within!
Grace, grace – God’s grace – grace that is greater than all our sin!

Oh, beloved, how completely dependent we all are upon the matchless, marvelous, infinite grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

What a tremendous and marvelous testament to God’s glory this reality is! The Vine produces fruit and flower to the praise of His nature through fragile branches that wither up like twigs apart from vital union with Him. God displays His power, wisdom, and character for all of heaven and earth to behold through frail failures like me. How wonderful! How marvelous! That God Most High makes so much of Himself through such as us. It is to the praise of His glory not only that He can but also that He chooses to do so! Lord, I’m amazed!

So, I pray the words of Jesus:

My Lord, my Vine, You alone are the source of my salvation and strength. I am in awe of Your desire and design to channel Your will and work and ways through me for Your purposes. All that the Vine is You make available to the branches. Thank You for Your promise to remain in me. I desperately want to remain in You, Lord. Hold me fast to Yourself. Make me faithful and fruitful for Your glory.

What does God want me to do in response? Be His, be still, be fruitful, and believe. What does God want you to do?

Pastor Rob

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